If you are a FidSafe user, you know that this cloud-based service offers a safe, easy, no-cost way to keep life’s critical documents secure. The FidSafe team is committed to continually enhancing the service and introducing new features that improve the user experience. Upon log-in, FidSafe users will see several product updates that are designed to create easier, faster, and more advanced user interactions.

Here are some details about the improvements that have been recently implemented:

  • Improved load times. The FidSafe team has made technical changes in the application which will make it faster to upload files to your account. In addition, you will be able to load and save more files. In the past, FidSafe limited users to storage of 1,000 files. That limitation has been removed.
  • Greater visibility into account contents. Thanks to an enhanced account settings view, FidSafe users will see additional details about storage and files at a glance. The FidSafe dashboard will display the number of files uploaded, as well as the number of notes, stored passwords, files received from contacts, and files shared with contacts.
  • Faster, more intuitive navigation. FidSafe is streamlining the user interface to make it easier to find files, notes, and passwords. You will continue to enjoy the comprehensive search capability, so you can find content by file name, keyword, and/or dates.

If you have feedback about these enhancements or suggestions for improvements to FidSafe, feel free to contact us at 1-800-453-3332.